
Cantores Connexi is an international virtual choir.

We were originally selected by Eric Whitacre to sing in the world’s first live virtual choir at the close of the TED 2013 conference in Long Beach, California.

Please contact us at info@cantoresconnexi.org

“Composer and conductor Eric Whitacre has inspired millions by bringing together “virtual choirs,” singers from many countries spliced together on video. Now, for the first time ever, he creates the experience in real time, as 30 singers from around the world Skype in to join an onstage choir (assembled from three local colleges) for an epic performance of Whitacre’s “Cloudburst,” based on a poem by Octavio Paz.

“The performance is live on TED! Looks amazing! Already at nearly 8000 views.”

– http://www.ted.com/talks/eric_whitacre_virtual_choir_live.html
– http://on.ted.com/Cloudburst

PLUS: Watch the making-of video from the Skype, on the TED Blog.

– http://blog.ted.com/2013/03/22/the-live-meshing-of-a-real-life-and-virtual-chorus/

Skype blog post also live
– http://blogs.skype.com/2013/03/22/a-virtual-choir-for-the-ages-at-ted2013/#fbid=NIEZVUUFu-R

LVC1_TED2013_Video call snapshot 67 Live Virtual Choir at TED 2013